Ahlers Violin Studio

Sinichi Suzuki developed a music programme based on the process involved when children the world over learn to speak their native language.  The principles that form the foundation of Suzuki's method include the role and responsibility of the parent, loving encouragement, listening and ongoing repetition.

Parent Involvement

Parents are the first teachers in a child's life and constantly guide a child when he learns to speak.  In the Suzuki method, parents also have an important role as "home teachers" as a child learns an instrument.  Ideally, one parent would learn to play before the child starts with lessons, so that s/he understands what the child is expected to do. The parent attends the child's lessons and the two practice daily at home.  It is often not possible for busy parents to invest the time to learn an instrument, but it is essential that the parent attends all the lessons and make notes to help the child practice the new skills taught during a lesson.

Early Beginning

During the early years a young child's mental processes and muscle coordination are being developed.  During this time when they acquire a language, the aural capacities are also at a peak which offers an excellent environment to develop musical sensitivity.  Suzuki encouraged daily listening of music from birth with formal training already beginning at age three or four.  It is, however, never too late to start at any age!


Children learn to speak by listening and imitating sounds of the language they hear around them.  Parents therefore have the responsibility to make music part of the child's environment.  When children regularly listen to recordings of the Suzuki repertoire and other music, they will absorb the music just as they absorb the sounds of their mother tongue. Children become familiar with the pieces they have to learn and learning the new skills required to play a new piece is therefore much easier.


When children learn to say a word, they don't discard the word but continue to use it while adding new words to their vocabulary.  The Suzuki repertoire is constructed in a similar manner where each new piece uses technique from previous repertoire, adding new elements and skills.  When students continue to revise old repertoire, it becomes less challenging to add new skills in the context of familiar pieces.

Graded Repertoire

The Suzuki repertoire presents a careful sequence of building blocks for technical and musical development.  Through regular listening and participation in group lessons and concerts, the standard repertoire motivates younger students as they want to play music they hear older students play.


When children start to speak, every new word or sentence they speak is met with praise and encouragement from the parents.  Similarly, a child's efforts to learn an instrument should be met with sincere praise and encouragement. Each child learns at his/her own pace, step-by-step building new skills. If done in a systematic way, it creates an environment of enjoyment and achievement, not only for the child, but also for the parents and the teacher. 

Learning with Other Children

Playing in groups is an important part of the Suzuki method and music activities promote healthy social interaction.  Group lessons offer an opportunity for children to participate in group lessons and performances in addition to their own individual lessons where they can learn to cooperate and listen and are encouraged to support the efforts of other students. Students at more advanced levels serve as inspiration for younger children aspiring to follow in their footsteps.

Delayed Reading

Just as children start reading only after their ability to speak has been well established, the Suzuki method focus on developing good competence on the instrument before a students is taught to read music.  Once a student has development a good posture, beautiful tone, accurate intonation, and musical phrasing it is much easier to turn the focus on reading music without affecting posture or intonation.